Saturday, June 13, 2009

Busy morning!

I took Beta to the vet yesterday because he had three accidents in the house and was constantly trying to urinate outside - I mean CONSTANTLY! The vet couldn't find anything wrong (go figure) but it still cost me $60! Ugh! However, she called this morning and apparently her tech had mixed up the urinalysis results with another dog whose name was Bailey. So, apparently Beta does have a bladder infection just as I thought. After stopping by Sonic for a Cranberry Tea (I'm experimenting with what drinks from there I can still have), I picked up his prescription. Now I'm off to the Farmer's Market and probably the grocery store. Then back home to clean and hopefully mow my yard - neither have been done since my parents were here two weeks ago! Yuck! I'm usually one to clean twice a week, but I just haven't felt up to it. I'm crossing my fingers that I can get it all done today so I can rest tomorrow before going back to work Monday!

p.s. I PROMISE the next post will have pictures! I've been brainstorming that part...

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